How can I get a passport to join Canada for work?
Not sure what you mean get a passport to join Canada for work. For starters, you get your passport issued by whatever country you hold citizenship in. If you want to come to Canada as a visitor, you can apply for whatever visa is required for someone of your nationality to enter Canada. Proivided that you can satisfy officials that you are a legitimate visitor, are not going to try to work illegally and are not going to try to go to school illegally and you are not going to overstay, you can be approved. AS A VISITOR. If you are not a Canadian or a Canadian permanent resident, you CANNOT work in Canada. The only exception is foreign students on valid study visas who can work part time. If you commit visa fraud by working or seeking work while in Canada on a visitor, you will be arrested, deported and banned from returning. Work permits are rarely given. Employers can only apply to hire a foreign worker if they can prove that they have exhausted all means to find a Canadian to fill a job critical to their business and that there is a shortage of people in Canada ready, willing and able to do that job. They dont give work permits to allow you to waltz into Canada and take a job from a Canadian.